Jessyjo's work reflects the unhurried cadence of nature, meticulously crafted over time to form intricate layers.

Her pieces aim to bridge the gap between the external world and our inner spaces, featuring symbolic motifs of swirling primal elements that give the incorporeal form through earth matter.

With use of chiaroscuro, she imbues her artwork with a sense of vitality and depth, transcending the two-dimensional plane. This technique invites viewers to be captivated and transported, enabling them to discover personal meaning and emotion.

Jessyjo Darling

Jessyjo Darling is an earth pigment artist dedicated to the craft of turning earth into paint using ancient techniques.

She is based between Nevada and California, as well as Western Australia, and collaborates with clients globally.

Initially inspired by her grandmother Jo, an accomplished painter, who would commission planes to capture aerial photographs as a source of inspiration for creating abstract landscapes.

Jessyjo pursued a Bachelor of Design in Melbourne, Australia, and subsequently resided in New York, gaining professional experience in the realms of fashion, graphic design, and architecture.

The interplay of light and darkness in her work also serves as a representation of the inherent duality found in nature and all aspects of existence.

Through this expression and collaboration with the earth, Jessyjo offers viewers a profound connection and reverence for their surrounding environment or places they have never been.